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Phentemine375 Slimming Solution

Knee and Hip replacement reduction and recovery using Phentemine375

Phen375 Did you know that if you are overweight you are increasing the risk of requiring a hip or knee replacement by 3 to 4 times and at the very minimum suffering from osteoarthritis? This is a condition that is very painful and is the leading cause people are now having joint replacement surgery. I recently read an article from a University in Australia .They studied roughly 32,000 people of all walks of life. A body mass index was established and a waist circumference, waist to hip and percentage of fat or fat mass was compiled for the study group. This was all to determine how much pressure each person was applying to their major joints. What they found was quite interesting just a 15% BMI appears to cause increased risk of primary joint replacement; it even went on to say that the study showed 10 to 15 years later a drastic increase in replacements for people who did not reduce their BMI. Now I’m not going to tell you what the increment is for people with a higher than 15% BMI is, I think I should just leave that alone, don’t want to cause a panic.

Now is the time to lower your BMI it’s never too soon to start!

If you are young you should start now lowering your BMI get your weight under control NOW! Take a look at our product located at www.phen375.com ,we have great solutions for just about everyone. Did you know that many more people now in their 40s and even 30s are requiring knee and hip replacements? What has caused that drastic increase? Do you think it’s an environmental issue or is it excessive exercise? It can be a combination of either or both actually. Let’s look at this a little closer, have you noticed that there are a lot more extreme sports now for young adults and teenagers. Bicycling riding horses, skate boards, motor cross, water or snow skiing, soccer, basket ball, American foot ball. I am sure I have forgotten a few but you get the general idea. Younger people have been abusing there primary joints much more that previous generations. Extreme sports are a lot of fun but are very damaging to joint health. Now if you consider the environmental side those same generations are basically growing up on processed foods, fast foods, sodas basically unhealthy instant foods and drinks.

You have probably already noticed some press about or discussions about the issues of joint replacement for knees and hips it’s a growing concern. There is a big reason it’s getting so much attention these days, the pharmaceutical or artificial joint replacement manufactures are spending millions finding newer better and longer lasting materials. That’s a good thing as most people currently having replacement surgery for a major joint will require a replacement every 10 years thereafter. So making longer lasting joints is a good idea once we have to replace our original joints. Of course this is all predicated on the fact we will need new joints, but you can bet they have done their homework and that’s why so much money is being poured into artificial joint replacement procedures, manufacturing and development.

Remembering the phen375 articles already written a quick refreshing glance.

Living into our 100s

Recently I wrote an article about a much larger group of people that are now living into their 100s. You must also realize that’s an average of 20 to 30 years longer of wear and tear is the reason I bring it up now. The truth is we all better start eating heartier, drinking clean pure water and getting those extra pounds off. Time is not on our side as you may now realize.

Eating healthier the phen375 way

The jest of that article is simple. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT we will be healthy or unhealthy by the choices we make largely in our diets. Our diets are really what determine the majority of our health benefits or disasters. I discussed the phen375 way of dieting and the reasons why we produced our pharmaceutical grade phentemine375™, also why we did what we did and the reasons you should really consider trying it our way, since we did dedicate money and time into making our product the best diet suppressant and metabolism boosting available on the market today .

Back to major joint replacement and older folks like myself

If you are older like me and already have osteoarthritis, you know how painful it is. I can speak from personal experience; I have had 3 knee surgeries attempting to lengthen the life of my right knee. It’s no fun and can make exercise very difficult. This was the biggest reason I really became involved with the manufacture of phentemine375™. I had been looking for a product that is not harmful to me, does not require a doctor’s prescription and cannot be used in illegal activity in other words I won’t go to jail for being in possession of it. RDK Global Pharmaceuticals has done a really good job have to say. If you follow their guidelines you will lose weight. They have even gone on to educate the public as to the reasons why most people fail to reach long term weight loss and how if you diet using the phentemine product ,following the diet plan and drinking lots of water you will see incredible weight loss and rather quickly.

I started out looking for the magic pill and many of you can relate, Phentemine375™ is not a magic pill but it’s a real good start at cranking up your metabolism. For a vast majority of people in their 40s and 50s that are overweight, and have been so for many years. This has all added extra stress, wear and tear on knees and hips. Your doctor or orthopedic surgeon will tell you to get your weight down, take off as much of the stress as you can; this is applicable for your damaged joints, and artificial joints. Every time you apply pressure from movement you are causing friction and wear on your damaged or artificial joints. Reduce your weight and you reduce the friction and wear, it’s really that basic.

If you still have good joint health then this is your wake up call to get that extra weight off. You will feel so much better and your major joint will thank you for it. You will thank yourself for it later in life and instead of having osteoarthritis and or knee of hip replacements you can enjoy your original equipment that you were born with. If you still have healthy joints you need to get that excess weight off, go to our site www.phen375.com .Educate yourself and follow our advice on how to properly loose excess weight for long term success. Remember the study quoted in the 1st paragraph, people who are overweight are 3 to 4 times more likely to have knee and hip replacements, even 10 to 15 years later! It’s never too soon to start losing weight and living healthier for a longer and happier live. It looks as though we are going to be living longer, some of us by literally 20 to 30 years longer. So you better pay attention and start doing things that are proven to be helpful and will enable to you to be healthy and happy.

For some of us even myself included, if you don’t lose the weight before your joint replacement surgery you will regret it , you certainly will need to afterwards to keep your artificial joint working for as long as possible. Most people when they have joint replacement will only replace a single joint at a time. Guess what happens to your other joint, you will be putting all of your weight and stress on the old joint that has not been replaced yet, or at least until you are strong enough to take advantage of your new artificial joint. Often that will cause a much faster deterioration of your existing joint, it’s simply a matter of pressure and wear applied to your joints. Phen375.com, your doctor and really anyone with a brain will tell you to get that excess weight off, if you don’t want to suffer more than is needed that is. Also you will have a better surgical recovery, quicker healing and find it much easier to get around. You are going to have to lose that weight one way or another ,so let phen375.com make it easier and less painful weight loss journey by doing it the right way the www.phen375.com way .


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